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Tianhong Power Technology Co., Ltd.

Address: No. 22, Xuhai Road, Industrial Park, Xuzhuang Town, Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone

Tel: +86-18652185732 (Sales)

Telephone: +86-18652185732(service)

Email: 1920745142@qq.com


Main business

The marketing network and service network of Tianhong Power Technology Co., Ltd. have been improved

The company will further promote to the domestic and foreign markets. The company implements the "7 * 24 service mechanism". The company implements the after-sales service policy of one-year free replacement, three-year warranty and life-long warranty for its products. Welcome to come for consultation.

Contact us

# Address: No. 22, Xuhai Road, Industrial Park, Xuzhuang Town, Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone

# Phone: +86-18652185732(Sales)

# Telephone: +86-18652185732(service)

# Email: 1920745142@qq.com

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