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Contents of maintenance inspection of oil-immersed transformer

Release time:2020-05-15 08:45:20      Number of hits:454

The oil-immersed transformer is a key power distribution equipment transformer, and is one of the widely used transformer equipment in power companies. During the entire application of power engineering, the welder staff needs to carry out on-time maintenance inspections to facilitate stronger To ensure the normal operation of machinery and equipment, to ensure that common faults are discovered early and resolved early, to improve the efficiency of machinery and equipment applications. What are the contents of maintenance inspection of oil-immersed transformers? The transformer manufacturer will introduce the content of oil-immersed transformer maintenance and inspection in detail.

1. Check whether the oil quantity of the transformer and the color of the oil are all normal and whether there is oil leakage

The amount of oil should be within 1/4 ~ 3/4 of the scale of the oil gauge. If the oil level is too low, you should check whether there is oil leakage. If there is no oil leakage, oil should be supplied to the required oil level. When supplying oil, pay attention to the temperature value indicated on the scale of the oil meter, and add the oil to a moderate amount according to the average temperature at that time. The inspection of oil products is carried out by carefully observing the color of the oil. The light yellow color of the new oil turns to light bright red after a period of operation. The oil which produces embrittlement and the air is more seriously oxidized is dark red. The oil in the oil after short-circuit fault and thermal breakdown of the insulation layer is carbonaceous, and the oil color becomes black.

2. Check whether the high-voltage and low-pressure bushings are cleaned for cracks, nicks, and charge and discharge marks

Surface cleaning is a prerequisite for the bushing to maintain the compressive strength of the insulating layer. When there is floating dust in the bushing area, when it rains or rains, the floating dust will be contaminated with water and a channel for leakage current. Therefore, the floating dust on the casing should be cleaned on time. Cracks in the bushing due to impact or charge and discharge will also reduce the compressive strength of its insulating layer, resulting in charge and discharge. Therefore, if the casing is cracked or knocked, it should be removed immediately.

3. Check if the operating temperature of the transformer exceeds the requirements

The temperature rise during the operation of the transformer is mainly caused by its own heating. Generally speaking, the heavier the transformer load, the greater the amount of current in the electromagnetic coil during work, the greater the heating value, and the higher the operating temperature. The higher the temperature, the greater the embrittlement of the insulating layer and the reduced service life. According to the requirements, when the transformer is in normal operation, the temperature of the top oil in the car's fuel tank does not exceed 85 ~ 95 ° C. If the oil temperature is too high, the transformer will become hot and the heat of the transformer heat pipe will be poor. To find out the reason and carry out maintenance.

Previous:These characteristics of dry-type transformers must be understood

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