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What are the economic performance of the transformer

Release time:2020-05-12 16:11:29      Number of hits:447

Transformer is the product of electric power development to a certain stage, and is the core of electric equipment. The operation of the transformer must be carried out in a certain order and steps. The operation of the transformer generally has its own characteristics and properties. The economic operation of the transformer is related to many other factors. So how does the economic operation of the transformer arise? How do we improve it?

The economic operation of a transformer depends not only on its economic operation mode, but also on the manufacturing level of the transformer.

According to the frequent load of the transformer, it can be roughly divided into the following four situations:

1. Transformers often operating at or near full load.

2. Transformers that are often in half-load operation.

3. Transformers that are often operated at less than half load.

4. Transformers that are often in light or no-load operation.

What are the economic performance of the transformer

The voltage deviation of the high-voltage side of the transformer during operation shall not exceed ± 5 percent of the rated value, and the large unbalanced current of low voltage shall not exceed 25 percent of the rated current. The temperature of the upper oil should generally not exceed 85 ° C; the cooling device should be kept normal, the color of the moisture absorber in the respirator should be light blue; the valve leading to the gas relay and the radiator valve should be open, the membrane of the explosion-proof tube The film should be complete, and the doors and windows, vents, shutters, protective nets, and lighting of the transformer room should be intact; the outdoor transformer foundation should not sink, and the pole should be firm and not tilted. The purpose of equipment renewal is not only to clean up its physical wear, but also to clean up its invisible wear. Only a constantly updated approach can fundamentally reduce equipment loss, improve efficiency, and improve the backwardness of technology.

The economic operation of the transformer is an important indicator of the transformer!

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