

PRODUCTSemi-finished products

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Product Name:Semi-finished products

Updated:2020-05-15 09:34:45

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Main business

The marketing network and service network of Tianhong Power Technology Co., Ltd. have been improved

The company will further promote to the domestic and foreign markets. The company implements the "7 * 24 service mechanism". The company implements the after-sales service policy of one-year free replacement, three-year warranty and life-long warranty for its products. Welcome to come for consultation.

Contact us

# Address: No. 22, Xuhai Road, Industrial Park, Xuzhuang Town, Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone

# Phone: +86-18652185732(Sales)

# Telephone: +86-18652185732(service)

# Email: 1920745142@qq.com

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景德镇市| 裕民县| 外汇| 上栗县| 孝感市| 岳阳市| 婺源县| 双辽市| 昌邑市| 肃宁县| 同心县| 龙南县| 长治县| 射阳县| 左权县| 鄯善县| 德庆县| 渝北区| 扬中市| 新昌县| 潼南县| 福海县| 东光县| 涿州市| 新宁县| 梅河口市| 南召县| 沭阳县| 友谊县| 镇康县| 塔河县| 高青县| 南阳市| 呼玛县| 邓州市| 龙南县| 阆中市| 石河子市| 汤阴县| 邮箱| 拜城县|